Marc Edem | marcedem
marcedem, marc, edem, aziahome, frontend, vienna, google, gdg, gdgsummit, googleio
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about me

Who is this person at all?

I’m a passionate web developer, specialized in front-end development, web-design, and User Experience (UX).

Everything started some years ago, when I decided to start playing with LAMP Server (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP or Perl), to develop a static personal website, that I could host on the server of my university (Vienna University of Technology). It was an amazing journey to see how far I’ve come today. The web development technologies have evolved a lot in the last years, making extremely competitive to be up to date with the latest changes.

Originally from Togo, Africa, I grew up in Lome. Moved to Vienna Austria in 2008, I quickly got interested in Web Development and Computer Science. From simple web development with LAMP Server configuration, I’ve gathered more skills and knowledge from my Business Informatic Study at Vienna University of Technology.

Along the road, I started getting interested in data-mining projects, and developing a love for NLPs (Natural Language Process), and Artificial Intelligence, which are my focus now. With some of my free times I play around Google Cloud Platform, IBM Bluemix, the Watson API, Google Prediction API etc …

Just to mention that I’m a musician, well I don’t sing but I do play amazing good drums.. Something that I sometimes consider as pure talent than learned skill.

I’m also involved in few developer communities where I’m part of the organizing team, such as Java-Vienna and GDG-Vienna (Google Developer Group – Vienna), and also actively participating in many other developer meetups..


Tech Conferences

I’ve attended several tech conferences over the last 4 years, been speaker as some of them and co-organize many of them as well. Here is a list of some of those conferences


Google I/O features highly technical, in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more.I've been priviledged to attend this conference in 2013, 2014. 2015, and 2016. In 2017, together with GDG Vienna, I've co-organized the Google IO Extended in Vienna.

Google IO15 - Highlights

The idea behind the droidcon conferences is to support the Android platform and create a global network for developers and companies. Droidcon covers all aspects of the Android ecosystem from mobile devices, to TV, to cars, to gaming, and so much more. It is organised by local partners. In 2015, I've volunteered in Berlin and in 2016, we organized our very first Droidcon in Austria.

Droidcon Vienna 2016

GDG DevFests are large scale community-run events that provide sessions about Google technologies and many other trending tech related topics, all-day hackathons and more. The biggest Google tech conference by GDG community powered by a shared belief that when developers come together to exchange ideas, amazing things can happen.! I've been co-organizer and Speaker in Vienna since 2013.

Devfest Vienna

Each year many GDG organizers are invited to Mountain View to attend Google I/O. The annual Global Community Organizer Summit is a chance for developers to get together with other GDG organizers to debrief on latest community strategy and updates, get meaningful training to improve their community leadership skills, and allow them to learn from each-other through group interaction, workshops and community leadership sessions.


WTM (WOMEN TECHMAKERS) is an annual conference organized worldwide in support to the IWD (International Women Day), with the main focus on women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). It has been an honor for me to be part of the amazing team organizing this annual celebration of women techmakers in Vienna, with the great and amazing support of corporations such as Google, Microsoft etc.


I coorganize two main developer meetups. GDG Vienna (Google Developer Group) and Java Vienna. GDG Vienna is the main meetup group for everything Google Technology related. We organize tech events, hackathons. coding workshops etc. Java Vienna is a meetup group for all things Java / JVM in Vienna, Austria. We meet once a month to discuss various Java related topics, including frameworks, best practices.


Tech Stacks

Some tech stack I've been working with

Social – Contact

Welcome to drop me a line